8-tasis Baltijos širdies magnetinio rezonanso asociacijos susitikimas

8-tasis Baltijos širdies magnetinio rezonanso asociacijos susitikimas
8th meeting of Baltic Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance

“Clinical and imaging challenges in diagnosis of inflammatory myocardial diseases”

Date: Friday, October 27th, 2023

Place: Klaipeda University Hospital (main hall on the 2nd floor), Liepojos g. 41, Klaipeda

Note: Conference will be certified by Vilnius University and this will be a hybrid event – the meeting will combine a “live” in-person event with a “virtual” online component (will be streamed online for registered users)

Participation fee: 10 Eur

Registration is open:

– Please make a conference fee payment to: Baltijos širdies magnetinio rezonanso asociacija, LT397300010149044801 (Swedbank).

– In the purpose of payment please write: BCMR2023 and provide full name and e-mail address of attendee (NOTICE: please provide the same e-mail address, that you will be using to connect to MS Teams).

– Link and password to the conference streaming online will be sent to attendee’s email on the day of event.


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Lokacija Klaipėdos universitetinė ligoninė
Trukmė 1 diena
Data 27 spalio, 2023